Age of wushu how to advance hunter guide
Age of wushu how to advance hunter guide

That combat actually looks rather enjoyable, which is something I really, really, really wish I could say about more MMOs. See what I mean - first in the form of a gentle, open-palmed video and then with harsh, skull-wobbling words - after the break.

age of wushu how to advance hunter guide

Be warned, however: it also sounds dauntingly complicated, and F2P doesn't help matters. Wushu also makes bold claims about being sandbox-y, pointing to systems for bounties, crime and imprisonment, random emergent PVP, a level-free advancement system, and more. Said NPC can actually be kidnapped by other players, which I imagine will either prove cinder-block-choppingly infuriating or absolutely hilarious. When you log off, your character stays in the world as an NPC. Age of Wushu, you see, might look like a typical MMO with high-flying wuxian trappings, but - at least, on paper - it actually sounds far more daring than that.

age of wushu how to advance hunter guide age of wushu how to advance hunter guide

Now then, come reverently kneel in the dojos of intrigue. Woohoo, it's Wushu! Excellent, I have fulfilled my dumb joke quota in the first line.

Age of wushu how to advance hunter guide