the row behind the Active Spot, fighting Pokémon that houses five additional Pokémon to supplant the Active Pokémon if it retreats or is "Knocked Out") so the opponent has no Pokémon left, or if at the opponent's turn there are no cards left to draw into their deck. Other ways to win are by "Knocking Out" all the Pokémon the opponent has on their Bench (i.e. Prize cards are primary win conditions, with the possession of six Prize cards being an instantaneous win. For each of the opponent's "Knocked Out" Pokémon the victor scores 1 Prize card, although some special card mechanics grant up to 2 or 3 Prize cards in accordance with their higher hierarchy. A Pokémon that has sustained enough damage from attacks–that reaches or exceeds its HP–is referred to as being "Knocked Out". Each player puts one Pokémon into play as their Active Pokémon and attacks their opponent's Active Pokémon. The Pokémon Trading Card Game is a strategy-based card game that is usually played on a designated playmat where two players (assuming the role of Pokémon Trainer) use their Pokémon to battle each other. Active Pokémon, Bench Pokémon, Deck and Discard Pile An official Pokémon TCG playmat with labels of different gameplay aspects, e.g.