Not understanding what has happened, big sister leaves the house to find the missing pet. Upon returning home, her big sister questions the girl about the dog’s whereabouts, but little sister is unable to tell her the truth. Late at night a young girl, who I believe is only ever called “little sister”, is walking her dog when she becomes separated from her animal companion. First up this year is Yomawari: Night Alone, a Vita game I’ve wanted to try out for a while now. This year has been kind of rough, and I haven’t had a lot of time to write here, but I’d like to get that back on track, and I’m also hoping these Halloween posts can kick off a reasonable amount of regularity again. For my blog each year, I like to take the month of October to play and write about a few horror games I’ve been meaning to get around to. But it’s not just the arrival of fall that makes October great, but also the fact that I love the atmosphere of Halloween time. The changing of the seasons always gives me a tinge of serenity.